Entity 507 - "The Blight"
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    An picture of said entity on Level 171. Captured by an unknown operative.


    An picture of the presumed blood of another Lost Boys operative discovered sometime after their death.

    Entity Number: 507

    Habitat: An entity that only exists on Level 171.


    Entity 507, known to M.E.G. personnel as The Blight, only exists on Level 171.


    Not much information is known about these entities, and still few of it has been classified as empirically and factually sound. What can be reasonably attested is this entity swarm's danger and extreme hostility. They are comprised of several instances of IETS classification 4 entities. The exact entities is unknown. However, the sp

    "These lights! They're fucking with me; I just know it! This… this isn't real! The blinking…blinking…blinking, it's driving me insane. I can hardly think. I'm starting to see things. Wait, I see something…Hello, anyone there?" [A few moments later the operative's comms go silent and the connection is lost.]


    As stated in previous sections, all information was sourced from data aggregated from M.E.G. operatives part of Team Lost Boys.1

    Do's and Don'ts:


    • Run as fast as you can.
    • Take quick breaks.


    • Stay in the same place.
    • Stop for more than 5 minutes.

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