Entity 506 - "Signal Lights"
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    An picture of said entity on Level 171. Captured by an unknown operative.

    Entity Number: 506

    Habitat: An entity that only exists on Level 171.


    Entity 506, known to M.E.G. personnel as Signal Lights, only exist on Level 171.


    Signal Lights, as determined by aggregated M.E.G. operative information before they went M.I.A in Level 171, are capable of communicating amongst themselves and have been classified as a hive entity. They can detect wanderers' presence every 5 minutes. Due to the hazards inflicted by this level such as the non-euclidean geometry and the extremely hostile Blight, a specimen of this entity could not be obtained by The Lost Boys and further studies on these entities cannot be conducted. However, they are known to produce the illusion that is present in Level 171. As a product of this, the Signal Lights' diode flashes periodically. Evidence has strongly suggested that they communicate the location of wanderers to the Blight through a form of common frequency.


    Because of the current inescapability of the sole level, these entities are present in, samples of this entity have been unable to be transported to a M.E.G. laboratory. Dissection on the level has proven unfeasible due to the rapidly changing and unstable conditions of the level. As a result of these factors, proper analysis of these enigmatic entities has not been successfully conducted. Entity scientists with hazardous entity security (H.E.S)clearance have concluded that these unique entities must possess at least four elementary components for their function including a photoreceptor, light diode, transmitter, and illusion producing device or I.P.D. Externally, they are nearly impossible to distinguish from ordinary lights save for the extended observation of their analogous properties.

    "These lights! They're fucking with me; I just know it! This… this isn't real! The blinking…blinking…blinking, it's driving me insane. I can hardly think. I'm starting to see things. Wait, I see something…Hello, anyone there?" [A few moments later the operative's comms go silent and the connection is lost.]


    As stated in previous sections, all information was sourced from data aggregated from M.E.G. operatives part of Team Lost Boys.1

    M.E.G. Report 171-5

    Abbr. Key:

    • DC: Descriptive Captions
    • MAG: Team Lost Boys M.E.G. Speaker (δ-671 Rebecca Warner)
    • OCC: Operative Control Center


    DC: Transmitter turns on with a pop of static.

    Auto Direct System: DIRECTING CALL TO OP CONTROL CENTER #3445…
    OCC: This is Agent Anders, what is your location and purpose?
    MAG: I'm currently in Level 171 reporting conditions.
    OCC: Continue.
    MAG: I'm approximately 3 miles into the level, no entities have yet been detected, level stability is normal, and the level appears euclidean.
    OCC: Affirmative, please remain connected through the expedition.
    DC: Quiet jazz music is heard in the background and only sounds of movement from the operative are heard at this time.
    MAG: I'm approximately 5 miles into the level, entities are still absent

    Do's and Don'ts:


    • Run as fast as you can.
    • Take quick breaks.


    • Stay in the same place.
    • Stop for more than 5 minutes.

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