Simulation Breaker - Object 202

How long have you been here?

Why do you keep going?

What don't you understand?

There is nothing left.

You'll never see your partner,

your kids,

your friends,

your family.

They're in the simulation.

You're special,

You chose to become real.

But why?

Aren't you tired of this?

Being stuck in this hellscape?

You should've stayed in the simulation.

You can't go back

Why try?

I could show you what it would be like, to see one person again.

For a price…

Object 202


Object 202 (nicknamed the Simulation Breaker) appears as a walkie talkie with a projector where the batteries should be. Many wanderers have reported hearing the Simulation Breaker speak to them often offering to allow the wanderer to speak to a loved one, one more time. However this is done at a price. For every minute you use the Simulation Breaker a horde of entities will appear. The wanderer will have to fight these off while talking and protecting Object 202. It is recommended wanderers have a conversation of less than a minute. The loved one will remember the conversation and be able to talk about it to others.


A wanderer can only use the Simulation Breaker once before having to find another. Taking the projector out or breaking the antenna will disable the Object. This must be done to stop conversations. If it is not done, every minute the Simulation Breaker is left on another horde of entities will arrive. These entities can hurt the person you are talking to so protect them at all costs as they cannot cut the signal to save themselves. If both the wanderer and their loved one die, the Simulation Breaker will automatically turn off.


Object 202 can be found:

  • on desks in level 0.1
  • in crates on level 1
  • on top of machines in level 3
  • in drawers in level 4
  • in the boiler room of level 5
  • in boxes under the ocean of level 7
  • in houses on level 9
  • in the small town on level 10
  • in radio and cell towers in level 11

Are you happy now?

You spoke to her.

But you paid the price.

Speaking for ten minutes.

How selfish,

Now you've both suffered.

Her, deceased.

You, bleeding out on the cold floor.

You should've known better.

The moment the first hound ran round the corner.

You should have turned me off.

Now that hound,

Along with your own selfishness,

Has become the reason your dying.

And so you know…

There is no afterlife.

rating: 0+x

Will remove this section after objectcon.
I would like either 202, 203, 222, 223, 242

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