Entity 29 - The Breathless

Entity Number: 29

Habitat: Moist Levels


Breathless are creatures that will attack when aggravated. They are dark figures with no visible mouth or nose. They are aggravated in certain circumstances. These include: breathing too loudly, attacking the entity, or staring at its eyes. They are identified by their hunched back and lack of a nose or mouth. The reason that they are known to attack when hearing people breathing too loudly is not truly known; research has suggested that this is because they are jealous of things that can breathe and will attack if you breathe too loudly.


Breathless will roam around areas with moist conditions, as they have only been seen in these areas. They will attack you when you stare at its eyes for unknown reasons; most people believe it could be a sign of challenge or provocation.

When you are attacked by a Breathless it will chase after you and kill you. It is possible to outrun them, but the most successful strategy is to cover your mouth and nose and hide around a corner. It is not known what they do after killing a wanderer, but many have speculated that they take the air from your body to experience the sensation of breathing one more time.


Not much is known for certain about these entities, but research has been showing new discoveries about them in the past few years. It is reported that you should keep away from them and do not try to provoke them. They have the ability to hear extremely well, so they can hear you breathing.


They were discovered in 2011 - 2012 when a traveller reported to a M.E.G Officer about a "Creature that doesn't breathe" and wanderers have speculated about what their goal is. They were known as a "Breather" for a short amount of time before they were officially called a Breathless because a "Breather" doesn't make sense when they can't breathe.

Do's and Don'ts


  • Keep heavy breathing to a minimal.
  • Keep away eye contact with them.
  • Back away slowly.


  • Try to combat it.
  • Stare at its eyes.
  • Breathe heavily.
rating: 0+x
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