level 191


Class 3

  • {$one}
  • {$two}
  • {$three}

Level 191 is the 192nd level of the backrooms. This level is a laboratory to study all of the findable object in the backrooms but not in the frontrooms. this level is composed of approximately 1800km²


The level 191 is a gigantics laboratory, any scientifics question studied in frontrooms was stude, but all of the mystery of the backrooms was research.


Dissect Hound, The black substances in level 2, smiler Repellent and synthesis formula synthesis formula TEST, Wi-Fi continuous transmitter and [Given Dillated].

The study of paranormal object / Entity was common in this level but the finished study was extremely rare (in 6year of intensive research only 4 finished study was locate) Scientist-Facelings was common in this state and was not agressive, keeper-faceling was common and extremely agressive.
all of not unique entity can be found in extremely rare moment, probably when it is still living entity escapes from their cage.

this level was not fun =(

Bases, Outposts and Communities:

from to the danger of keeper-facelings, no outpost could be created to make it durable

Entrances And Exits:


to go in level 191, go in a big laboratory in level 11


(i dont create exit now please help me)

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