Level -115


Class 4G - gravitational

  • unsafe
  • unsecure
  • gravitational distorsion

level -115 is the 116th negative level of the backrooms


Level -115 resembles a city similar to the one in Level 11, with the addition of being very aesthetic. There is no daylight cycle, with the time seemingly being always night. On certain occasions, it is possible to see planets from the solar system in the sky, although the reason behind such a phenomenon is unknown. The level features cafes, houses, restaurants, stores and beaches, much like Level 11. Additionally, music similar to the Lo-Fi genre can be emitted from the buildings. There has been no specific origin found for the music, with it emanating throughout the buildings uniformly. it is also to note that this music brings a sense of relaxation and comfort to those who listen. The city has many gravitational distortions such as floating cars, objects falling upwards and much more…, but otherwise it is safe

Food and Almond Water can be found in relative abundance within the various buildings. Therefore, Level -115 has been deemed a suitable place to sustain life.

Wanderers have reported seeing glitchy furniture, which may sometimes clip into each other or hang from the ceiling without falling. Other times, buildings have been observed to create new rooms or alter existing ones. Nothing about these altered rooms stand out of the ordinary.

Moreover, the level features a noticeable slow gravity. According to testimonies, if one were to drop from a certain height, their fall would be slowed down to protect them from any harm.

There have also been unconfirmed sightings of nuclear power plants. Nearly every witness that claimed to have seen one also stated that they were safe to approach. However, a small minority of those who claimed to have seen the nuclear plants became frightened and warned against further exploration.

Entrances and Exits


  • Entering an aesthetic-looking building in Level 11 leads here.
  • Noclipping through an aesthetic painting in Level 9 has a chance to lead here.
  • Falling asleep on any comfortable bed has a very rare chance of transporting here.
  • 33% chance to be taken here if one scores 8 on Level 592 exam.
  • There is a 12% chance for entering from Level 11.66.


  • Entering a bathroom has a small chance of leading to Level 189.
  • Entering a normal non-aesthetic takes to Level 11.
  • Swimming for approximately 5 miles in the sea conducts to Level 7.
  • Sleeping in a park takes one Level 986.
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