MMC\Levels | Futuristic Space

Level -1221141.2 (aka. Futuristic Space) is the second level from Level -1221141


Class 0

  • {$one}
  • {$two}
  • {$three}


Level Futuristic Space is an infinite formation of structures, all out of white grey stone.
These structures can be a varias of rooms, hallways, etc., which are all symetrical and can get varias of sizes.
The style of these structures is like surreal futuristic (Images will follow asap).

There are no suplies or organic life like plants on this level, light sources are somehow from the symetrical gaps in the walls.

Bases, Outposts, and Communities:

There is a base from the M.M.C.B.T., Base Alpha.1.
Base Alpha is located in a surrounding of many open hallways, the base is on an platform connected with bridges.
If you need help finding Base Alpha, you can contact the M.M.C.B.T. to help you find or guide you the way to Base Alpha.
If there is an emergency, then we'll sent a team that'll help you.

Entrances and Exits:


Going through symmetrical openings in the floor in level -1221141.1 will lead you here.


Going somehow back through the symmetric openings from level -1221141.1 will sent you back there.
Wandering deep into the level, you'll may see a door like from hotels, this door will lead you to level -1221141.6

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