Level 297
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Class habitable

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Best-known image of the beach at Level 297; It is unknown what the fate of the photographer was after taking it. It is currently believed to have reached a random level.


Photo taken by the MEG of the wall that prevents passage to the next section behind it. Several attempts have been made but all resulted in failures.

Level 297 is a type of beach that generally has a similar effect to Level 287, in which vision is in black and white.


Level 297 consists of an endless side-by-side beach similar to Level 100, which usually has both salty and fresh water depending on the wanderer's taste. All photographs taken of the level will always come out with the black-and-white effect, which is also applied to our vision, which is an effect similar to that of Level 287. The depth within this water is similar to that of the seas on the common beaches of the Frontrooms. At first glance, it seems that the water is a large cloud covering the ocean floor, although it also gives the illusion that Level 297 is actually a large downhill mountain. But after touching it, you will know that it is normal water. Touching this water will cause most of the damage the explorers have to regenerate quickly and, at the same time, increase their defenses to act against parasites and deadly infections. Spending a few minutes in the water will relax the muscles and also expel all negative feelings such as anger and fear. It can even remove traumas or phobias that wanderers have after being exposed to environmental dangers.

Pelican sounds can be heard in the sky at Level 297, although they are strangely not present. There have been sightings of the Birds at this level, but their existence in this paradise has not been verified or confirmed. It has been seen that the sound of water at this level relaxes hearing and helps deaf people recover their hearing. At the same time, it makes a blind person's vision return to normal, and mute people speak again after passing the water. Level 297 has its own gravity, which has a slight similarity to that of the moon. Even though, visually, it is not possible to see the big difference, even if someone makes the effort to see the difference. In the sea, you can see many rocks of different sizes, from as small as a finger to as large as a whale. Climbing or stepping on these rocks usually won't do anything relevant, but sometimes these rocks can disappear or move of their own volition. It has been reported that some wanderers disappear when touching or climbing on these rocks, but upon investigation, it was discovered that these wanderers reach a random level without suffering damage.

The wall surrounding the other section is made of old bricks, which line up perfectly with each other, forming a perfectly flat wall with no visible imperfections. Due to these characteristics, it is very difficult to climb the wall, which is similar in size to that of an elephant. Attempts have been made to climb the wall several times, but when they reach the middle, the climbers will feel uncontrollable sensations of getting off, along with dizziness, anxiety, and tremors. All of these effects mean a big obstacle when trying to get through the brick wall. Many theories have been created that there is something on the other side of the brick barrier that blocked the next section, although it is not known if at least what is on the other side was once part of the Level 297 beach. Breaking the wall is impossible because its surface is indestructible, nor is it volatile, so explosive materials do not leave any mark, at least on the bricks. Anyone who looks at the sky of Level 297 will feel that his mind is more open to new thoughts, and the individual will be able to improve his knowledge of them.

Walking in one direction on the beach for a long time will quickly make someone feel tired and give them feelings of returning to the starting point, but if this sign is ignored, the explorer will have reached the so-called "Nux Coasts" that were originally a legend.


Only known image of the Nux Coasts of Level 297; After it was taken it was added to the level's general information, like a secret area.

Nux Coasts

The Nux Coasts are areas extremely far from the starting point of Level 297, which are generally difficult to reach as their anti-explorer effects prevent walking straight towards these shores. After passing the barrier that prevents you from reaching these secret sections, you will be able to see a few mountains in the distance. Curiously, the brick barrier that runs through the entire level continues to cover what is on the other side, and climbing the mountains to be able to pass to the other side of the barrier will only cause a large collapse that is impossible to avoid while trying to cross to the other side. The Nux Coasts are large mountainous and rocky formations surrounded by the same ocean as the initial beaches of the level. Normally, the Nux Coasts are the most natural sections or are full of vegetation, both in the mountains and on the rocks with mosses and vines. Trees can be found on top of mountains and also in patches of soil next to grass in the sand on the coast. The water on the coasts is much clearer, which makes the effect of the water looking like a cloud fade and reveals how crystal clear it is.

On these coasts, you can see mountains in the distance, along with a present fog. Reaching such generations is only possible by traveling through the mountains and the stair paths that the MEG has managed to make these areas much safer and more touristy for all wanderers who want to appreciate the views of the level. The effects on the Nux Coasts do not change much since they are always the same, but the water, especially, can mentally connect an individual with the nature that is around them. It improves energy, increases self-esteem, restores sanity, helps maintain a normal temperature, increases strength, improves reflexes and raises the immune system to avoid any diseases, viruses, parasites, and bites that could normally be fatal. Thanks to all these factors, Level 297 has become one of the many levels that could function as a medical zone or, in cases of emergencies, cure all fatal damage. However, all this has led to the creation of some communities or bases to improve the quality of life and survival within the Backrooms.


Only known image of the fish from Level 297; They were first collected and photographed by the Fishermen before being given to the MEG for documentation.


The Uncolor

The Uncolor are fish of different colors, although this was quickly known since their shades changed too much from white, gray and black, creating strange color combinations. These Level 297 entities were captured by the community known as "The Fishermen" and taken to the MEG to soon be able to document them in detail. The Uncolor can be different types of fish, such as sardines, clownfish, etc. Each of these fish acts normally as one and can tell if a wanderer needs feeding, after which they lunge hard near the wanderer so that it can be consumed. These behaviors also change when they are caught and are carried away by the food that the fishermen add to their rods. The Uncolor have been sighted on the Nux Coasts, but this remains in doubt, as most of the fish in Level 297 disappear as one walks further from the starting point. It is unknown what prevents them from advancing, but it is theorized that it is the same barrier that prevents the explorers from entering.

Bases, Outposts and Communities

M.E.G. Base Zeta

This outpost helps new wanderers or explorers who have been harmed by some entity. They are also taken to the Nux Coasts to strengthen their immune system and help them with other things in the body, although this is only allowed for children or adolescents who were born in the Backrooms. If new members are needed, applications will be accepted. Any help will be rewarded with Almond Water and Uncolor.

This position is also dedicated to exploring beyond the waters surrounding the infinite beach of Level 297. Non-MEG explorers who help discover new features or properties of the level will be invited to join the search team or aid. You will later be given the appropriate equipment and supplies for each occasion.

B.N.T.G. Outpost - Fish Market

They fish and trade with Level 297 Uncolor in exchange for supplies or valuable items. Water at this level is also sold in bottles or even in medicines and treatments for phobias or past traumas. New members are accepted to help with fishing or collecting water. The Nux Coasts are also used by these outposts to create combinations between the water, fish and plants found.

It has been seen that this position also helps "The Fishermen" in fishing for food and collecting water. The natural collection team is in charge of collecting many types of plants that are on the shores of Level 297.

The Fishermen

The Fishermen are a group that helps both the MEG and the BNTG, even though they are not part of either group. They are the main ones in charge of helping both groups to be able to easily collect the Colorless. They have specified that they would be happy to help, since when collecting these Level 297 entities, their buckets fill up quickly.

Entrances and Exits


Level 279 can be entered mostly from beach levels, most by doing no-clip, but others by doing something specific:

  • At Level 48 you have to calm down, stay relaxed, thinking about a beach similar to Level 48 but in gray scale, and when you open your eyes you will be here.
  • The waterfall at Level 72 can lead to this location, until you have done a lot of testing.
  • There is only a small chance that the Level 100 shadow will lead you here after manipulating the tombstones.
  • At Level 994 you have to get into the water if you see that it has a cloud formation.
  • In the sublevel 3Three of Th3 Sh4dy Gr3y there should be a small island with rocks (this has not been

In order to exit Level 297, you need to no-clip the wall that can be found at the edge of the beach; doing so will instantly take you to a random city level which would be the following: Level 11, Level 11.2, Level 147, Level 230, Level 231, Level 977, among others.

You can also no-clip rocks that can be found on the beach shores of the level, which will cause you to reach a random aquatic level: Level 7, Level 7.7, Level 83, Level 97, Level 282, among others.

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