Death dogs

death dogs - entity !

habitat - all levels

danger level B1

Death dogs seem like an average dog until you look at there eyes witch are glowing and horns. There are many kinds of breeds in death dogs. These breeds are all dog breeds from the front rooms. Death dogs are much smarter than an average dog. Death dogs have the ability to speak, but death dogs don’t do this often. Death dogs normally are alone unless in a pack. Death dogs will ignore wanderers unless provoked. Provoked death dogs act more aggressive than the average dog. The teeth of a death dog is stronger and sharper than a regular dog. When in a pack the death dog when provoke will share food with its pack. Some wanderers can tame death dogs. It’s difficult to take a death dog by using meat. (normally chicken pork or steak.) there will be a tutorial on how to do so later. when a death dog is tamed they will never hurt it’s owner or anyone close to its owner. When ever a dog is tamed it becomes the most loyal kind of entity in all of the backrooms, when abandoned they will always have hope that it’s owner will come back. Death dogs need a lot of attention in order to be happy in its life. Death dogs strictly have a diet of meat. Death dogs will always refuse to eat plants accept when absolutely necessary for there survival. When a dog sees someone attacking there owner they will attack quickly, firstly giving warnings then striking. Death dogs warn by growling. There are 5 stages to a death dogs life. It will be harder to tame a dog the more connected they are to there parents in the first 3 stages.

stage 1/baby
Baby death dogs are very passive. Baby death dogs can’t talk although don’t need a lot to be happy. This phase can last up to 0-5 years.

stage 2/kids
Kids or child death dogs have a small vocabulary but still can talk. Child death dogs can be more rough then baby death dogs. Child death dogs have the most energy of any other death dog. This phase will start and end to to 6-12 years

stage 3/teens/puberty
Teens are the most aggressive stage of a death dogs life. They can be very rebellious to there parents or owners. Best to leave teen death dogs alone. They will come to you when there ready to talk. Horns will start developing at this age. This stage will start and end for up to 13-21.

stage 4/adults
Adult death dogs are less aggressive than teens. Adults are the most loyal kind of death dogs. They will never leave there owners behind. At this period they will normally leave the parents at this period. This period will start and end at 22-65 years old.

stage 5/adolescents
Adolescent death dogs are very passive death dogs. They don’t have a lot of energy. They will never try and attack anyone. They will always try and be as happy as they can. At this time they can go deaf, blind, or lose their sense of smell or mtaste. This period will last up to 66- 80 years old.

There are multiple differences between the genders in death dogs. There are multiple differences between males and females.


Male death dogs eyes are red.

Males can see colors of the infer red spectrum.

Males are more aggressive.

Males have a y shaped belly button.

Males are bigger.

Males need more food.

Males are stronger.

Males are less nurturing.

Males horns are bigger*


Females death dogs eyes are blue.

Females can see more colors in the ultra violet spectrum.

Females are more passive.

Females have an x shaped belly button.

Females are shorter.

Females need less food.

Females are weaker but still strong.

Females are more nurturing.

Females horns are smaller.

The wolf system

(Phase 1)
At first when adult death dogs leave their pack starts to try and start a new pack. When a male sees a female, the male will try and flirt with the female. When the female accepts, they will start a pack. If the female declines the male will attempt another female. At the beginning (around 3 years) there will be no attempt on reproduction. If they stay together for around that time, they will have kids. At this point they are considered “married”.

(Phase 2)
When death dogs have baby’s they will always have 2. One male and one female. Every 5 years. There is a very rare chance (0.57%) of a third baby (that is one of the two genders/sexes). parent death dogs have different roles in the kids life’s. The father hunts for food during the day. (The food is normally skin stealer, smiler or wretch meat) the mother normally feeds their child by using death dog milk, witch has been shown to be very nutritious. (When ever death dogs get a new child they will go back to this stage).

(Stage 3)
When death dog baby’s start to turn into kid death dogs, the mother will stop producing milk. And instead protect their children more often. And the father will try and teach there children to hunt.

(Stage 4)

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