ArgonMighty VOB sandbox


AC - Awaiting criticism
AG - Awaiting greenlight
G - Greenlight
UN - Unfinished
CNN - Criticism not needed (Discontinued, don't like the idea, etc)
AR - Archived



Level 479 is the current headquarters of The Visionaries of Berry, and as such, it is considered hostile territory for all M.E.G. agents who are there without express permission from the Visionaries themselves.

Wanderers affiliated with the M.E.G. are highly advised not to traverse through Level 479 unless given express permission by the Visionaries themselves. The Visionaries' actions are far too unpredictable, and wanderers who trespass are not bound to the same fate as other wanderers who happen to stumble upon the level.

Should one find themselves in Level 479 for any reason other than thise mentioned above, they are advised not to engage the Visionaries, no matter what the situation may call for.

- M.E.G. cautionary travels administration


Level 479 is a set of obsidian castles which serve as the main base of operations for the group known as The Visionaries of Berry. It is considered one of the more dangerous levels in The Backrooms due to the presence of said group inside of it.


Level 479 takes the appearance of a set of minimalist castles, all of which are made of obsidian. The castles all float across a void, which is shrouded in a thick, blue fog. The sky of Level 479 is always grey and stormy, but it never seems to rain, despite what one would assume. This does not mean that the level does not experience relatively bad weather, rather, the level has been described by those that have been in it to have occasional gusts of wind, which buffet wanderers with such a force that they are seldom left standing should they be assaulted by them.

Upon entering the level, wanderers always start out in the middle of a circular platform, which is paved in such a way that it resembles a green cat eye. Arches dot the rim, being the only non-minimalistic aspect of the outside of the castles. This area has been dubbed as 'The Nexus'.

The castles are all connected via a set of floating obsidian walkways that stem from The Nexus, all of which are as minimalistic as the castles themselves. These paths are the only means readily available to wanderers that allows for travel between the castles, as there are currently no other safe and reliable methods of travel throughout the level. Due to the previously mentioned unpredictable weather of the level, the paths are not safe to traverse, which makes it so that travel between castles is oftentimes treacherous. This may be the reason as to why the Visionaries occupy only a handful of castles, all of which are close to the nexus.

Continuing on the aforementioned minimalism, the structures which make up the level are all featureless and smooth, most similar in style to that of the baroque era. Despite this, archways, towers, and open hallways are all present, decorating the castles with, at minimum, the bare semblance of architectural decorations.

The insides of the castle are far more mysterious than the outside, as few non-visionaries have entered them and given accounts as to what is inside. Furthermore, accounts between wanderers have varied. Some describe them as being warm, elaborate and fancy, whilst others have stated that they are as minimalist as the outside of the castles, and that they are cold, barren, and uninviting.

Despite all of this, the one thing that has been described identically with each account is the fervent decoration of the castles. Wanderers have reported sections of the castles being draped in lime green banners, professionally designed murals of Berry, and elaborate paintings of sites and occurences that are important to The Visionaries. The decor for each room has also been described to be similar in nature, with tables, beds, and other such commodities being coloured with a scheme of different shades of green and black. Wanderers have also stated that they have all encountered at least one room which is full of expensive-looking cat toys, structures, and other feline-oriented equipment.

Other rooms which have been reported (but not necessarily confirmed) include banquet halls, sleeping chambers, assembly rooms1, bathhouses, changing rooms, chapels, and even dungeons. One account states that at the very top of the largest castle which The Visionaries inhabit, a large, chapel-like rotunda can be found. During the encounter, the wanderer was brought to the room, where they found a large amount of Visionaries congregating in the vast area which it occupied. The Visionaries were all engaged in what was described as fanatic worshipping of effigies and dioramas of Berry, as a "meek, mole-like man," preached prophetic verses relating to the 'enlightenment' gained from staring into Berry's eyes. This encounter is hard to verify for the time being, as it is the only one of its kind, and all verified encounters fail to mention the presence of a rotunda at the top of the largest Visionary castle (hereby referred to as The Behemoth).


As one might imagine, security in Level 479 is tight. Whilst The Visionaries lead a rather laissez-faire lifestyle in the castles that they occupy, especially when compared to the organisation observed in other groups of The Backrooms, intruders are subjugated to rigorous punishment for simply entering the level — even by complete accident — and are promptly removed from the level. However, this does not occur before they deliver a "punishment" to the offender in question, which has been known to consist of rigorous beatings, demeaning, and theft among other things. Once they deem their victim punished, The Visionaries throw the person off into the void, which results in them being taken to another level (See entrances and exits section).

One would be foolish to assume that they could feasibly get away with infiltrating Level 479 and going unnoticed. Specifically appointed guards patrol the paths, wearing a presumably heavy set of armour which they have either constructed or found in The Castles. The armour offers both a resistance to the winds of the level, as well as a general form of protection from conventional attacks. If these conditions did not already put wanderers at a disadvantage, the guards are oftentimes armed with fickle weaponry — which is still deadly despite its admittedly brittle structure — and a large portion of them possess powers due to their prior contact with Berry.

Furthermore, despite the general lack of coherent order within the Visionaries' circles, the guards seem to be the only members of the group that actually plan out their operations in the level. Patrol points and stations are spread out strategically around The Nexus and the paths that lead to the major occupation areas in such a way that unauthorised access to the castles is prevented in its entirety. All of this culminates to the fact that when properly armed and prepared, Visionaries pose a significant threat to all wanderers that dare enter the level unprepared, and a challenge to those that do come prepared.

The Behemoth and its inhabitants

As has been previously mentioned, the castle dubbed as "The Behemoth" is the largest occupied residence of The Visionaries in the level. The Behemoth is the place inside of which all The Visionaries meet up in when mass meetings are called, which makes it an important landmark for all of The Visionaries which are spread across The Backrooms. The Behemoth's population also consists of a small number of medically trained visionaries, who voluntarily provide medical aid to all those that come to The Behemoth in search of it.

An approximate seventy members permanently inhabit its walls, the most notable of which have been described below.

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